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Exactly 30 years ago today, March 22nd, 1989. It was a cool desert evening just after sunset. The mountains looked ominously over Nevada’s most secret dry lake beds. They knew they shouldn’t be there, but these were desperate and extraordinary times.

On this night, former Government physicist Bob Lazar took a few friends out to the edges of Area 51 - to observe a test flight of a flying disk. He knew about the extraterrestrial exploitation program, because he had worked in it. And he was dead-set on showing his friends that what he was telling them was true. That flying saucers were real, and they were not from Earth. He also wanted them to see because he feared for his life. And if something happened to him, at least they would have witnessed it with their own eyes.

At the exact time, and in the exact place Lazar told them they were going to see a disk - they did.

The craft lifted over Papoose Lake, where it was being studied at a super-secret military installation called Site 4. A row of hangers, disguised in the side of a mountain. The craft hovered and made numerous mind-bending maneuvers before descending back down beyond the ridges of the mountaintops.

Hidden deep within - like a series of Russian Dolls - this particular military site is located in a remote corner of Area 51, and was dedicated to the reverse engineering of nine flying saucers - UFOs, built by another technologically advanced race of beings. People - from another world, or maybe another time.

This singular event changed the lives of all involved - particularly Lazar’s. He had broken his oath. He spilled the beans. And he was terrified; they had him backed into a corner.

But this wouldn’t be the last time Lazar snuck people out to see the saucer test - not before they got caught - but also not before they filmed it.

More to come,

Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
Creator, Extraordinary Beliefs